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People Working in Open Office

What Makes Us Different

About Tursa Group

We offer more than just Managed Services. We offer Business Process Improvement services by documenting how data flows through an Organization and then leveraging technology to speed up that data flow, provide Key Performance Indicators for management to make decisions on, and/or provide solutions for collaboration on Projects with all involved stakeholders. We have helped  different companies in different industries and we can bring all our experience to your Company to not only provide Proactive IT support, but to provide a fractional CIO to help evaluate software technologies that will allow Management to make informed decisions. 


We do not always follow the Microsoft mantra. There are other options in the marketplace and we believe in leveraging the best technology for our Clients. At Tursa, we have been on Google Apps, Virtual Amazon Servers and other Cloud technology since 2008. The whole company is run from a browser and from any mobile device. This gives us a huge advantage over our competitors not only from a cost perspective but also from the perspective of having a broad view on available technology solutions that we can offer our Clients.

Our goals, for your Company are:

1. To give employees access to the data they need from their mobile devices.

2. To allow employees to work from anywhere.

3. Build out a web based back end that is connected with Public APIs, so that your Company is future proofed as your requirements change. Additionally, this will allow data to flow bi-directionaly between your different operating groups.

4. To leverage Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation wherever possible to drive down Administrative overhead.

In addition, we are open 7 days per week to help with any tight deadlines that you might encounter.

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